April 4 - 8 Daily Prayer


April 4 - 8 Daily Prayer

Leading up to Easter, we’ll be using this book as we pray the Word. This will pair with our “Jesus Is…” series on Sundays, as we learn about the names of Jesus.

Each day, you’ll read a new section (see schedule below) to learn about a name of Jesus. Each section closes with a simple pray to help you apply that name of Jesus into your life.

Though this book is geared for kids, it is both simple and deep. As I’ve been praying through it, I am refreshed as I re-learn who Jesus is.

Be encouraged as you pray! Jesus has so many names, yet he knows your name!

Monday, 4/4 - Jesus is a Man, pg. 12.

Tuesday, 4/5 - Jesus of Nazareth, pg. 116.

Wednesday, 4/6 - Jesus is the Son of Mary & Joseph, pg. 20.

Thursday, 4/7 - Jesus is a Carpenter, pg. 100.

Friday, 4/8 - Jesus is the Son of Man, pg. 16.