Monday 2/14 Daily Prayer


Monday 2/14 Daily Prayer
The Word: Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Mt. 5:7

“To show mercy and to forgive is extremely difficult for those who have been deeply wronged. But the alternative is self-destruction through nursing grudges or seeking revenge. Such grievances are often passed on from generation to generation and become destructive forces in the lives of individuals and societies. The bless-ed escape these self-crippling cycles, for they are merciful.” Ken Bailey


Mercy is hard. It is hard for two reasons. First, it is hard to give mercy. We live in a world where people get what they deserve. That is what justice is. And so when someone wounds us, we rightly feel the sense of injustice.

But the second things about mercy that is hard is that we don't deserve it. That's what makes it mercy.

As followers of Jesus, I have embraced a way of living that is more about not getting what's deserved than giving what is deserved. I've embraced a lifestyle of mercy.

You died in my place and I didn't deserve it. This is God's mercy for me.

But then I reflect this mercy to others by forgiving those who have offended me, loving my enemies, and not holding things against those who hurt me.

Please help me to embrace this lifestyle of mercy.


Who can you show mercy to today?

Pastor John

Thank God for a great bowling event on Saturday, and ask God to take us deeper in “blending to belong”.