Skill Set: [the wisdom of proverbs + the art of godly living]

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You and I have endless knowledge and information at our fingertips, but do we have wisdom?

We’re able to communicate with virtually anyone in the world, but are we wise?

Googling facts and figures is different than knowing and applying wisdom.

Do you have the skill set of wisdom in various areas of your life?

Are you wise with your use of words?

With your money?

With friendships?

With your sexuality?

Access to information is different than knowing and applying wisdom in your life.

The book of Proverbs presents wisdom as “skill in the art of Godly living”.

Wisdom is a SKILL rather than reciting facts and information, because it is learned and applied in real life.

Wisdom is an ART because you have to know how and when to apply wisdom and which wisdom to apply. 

For instance,

Don’t answer a fool according to his foolishness or you’ll be like him yourself.

Answer a fool according to his foolishness or he’ll become wise in his own eyes.
— Proverbs 26:4-5

Which is it? So do you answer the fool? Or don’t answer him? Applying wisdom is an ART

Wisdom is skill in the art of GODLY LIVING. It leads us to live under the reign of God in all areas of life. And to live with God’s wisdom in all of life is to flourish.

This Sunday at 10:30, we start a new series called SKILL SET: [the wisdom of proverbs + the art of godly living].

In this series, you’ll learn practical knowledge about applying God’s wisdom in various areas of your life, like your emotions and sexuality.

You can register online to attend our worship service in person, or tune in live on facebook or youtube.

We’ll see you Sunday at 10:30am.