New City Kids is a safe place on Sunday events for building relationships and teaching. The youngest members of New City experience Christ’s love, build a theological foundation and are equipped for a life of faith and service. We strive for kids to have a sense of belonging that fosters friendship and ownership of their faith story.


Children need to be checked in with a Kids Ministry worker prior to the start of the service. Then they will sit with their parents during the singing portion of the Sunday service.

After the Announcements:

Big Kids Class

Big Kids (Ages 6-11) have class in the Library. A teacher will be at the back of the sanctuary to walk them to class.

Nursery/Little Kids Room

Little Kids (ages 2 to 5) will be escorted by their parents to the Nursery. Go out the back of the sanctuary, turn left towards the bathrooms. Once you get near the bathrooms, take another left and you’ll see the little kids room. After kids are dropped off, parents can return to the service for the sermon. Parents pick up their children after the service. Please take your child to the toilet prior to dropping them off.

Infant/Toddler Quiet Room

Options for parents with babies 0-24 months.

1. You can sit in the foyer just outside the back of the sanctuary in the chairs reserved for parents with infants where you can still hear and see the service.

2. Nursing mothers may go behind the New City wall in the foyer for a private area to nurse while you can still hear the service.

3. Go out the back of the sanctuary, turn left towards the bathrooms to the Quiet Room. This room has a place to nurse, changing station, toys and child restroom.

Our Philosophy

We strive to include children as much as possible in the life of the church. We involve them in service projects and the worship service, teach them from the Bible, and allow them to participate whenever possible. Safety is a top priority, so all of our volunteers go through a background check and the children are checked-in securely. We are dedicated to providing a fun, comfortable, safe and supervised environment for play and learning.