Advent - HOPE


Jeanne and Elora lighting the candle for HOPE

12/3/23 HOPE

On the first Sunday of Advent, we lit a candle as a symbol of hope. This tradition recalls the hope God's people cling to through the generations of anticipating the first coming of the Messiah, and the hope we have as we watch for Christ's second coming. The Christian hope is hope in God in Jesus Christ. It is the confident affirmation that God is faithful, that He will complete what He has begun. It is also, therefore, that confident expectation which waits patiently and ardently for God's purposes to be fulfilled.

Who or what is your deepest hope in?

One author called it "wishing for adults". Is hope naivety about the darkness of the world?

Or something much more powerful.

Join Pastor John as he explores the hope of Advent.

Due to technical difficulties, their is no video on this sermon and the sound quality is low. Our apologies.


#advent #hope #adventhope #john1 #sermon #christmastime

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