Dec 18 Weekly Devotional: Advent Joy


Root deeper in the word and apply it to your life daily!


During the season of Advent, we’ll read Scripture that focuses on the themes for the week. This week’s readings will focus on true peace that can only come through knowing the person of Jesus Christ.

This week’s theme: JOY

Prayer for Each Day: Lord, guide us as we explore the depths of joy within Christianity. Help us to grasp the unshakeable joy that comes from knowing You. Allow us to experience the delight You take in us and use us to share that joy with the world. Amen.

Day 1:

Bible Reading: Proverbs 8: 12-31

Devotional: The sermon points out the joy that God took in creating the world. In Proverbs 8, wisdom is personified and describes how it was present at creation, delighting in mankind. Reflect on God's joy and His delight in you as His creation.

Reflection Question: What does it mean to you that God takes joy in His creation and, specifically, in you?

Day 2:

Bible Reading: John 2: 1-11

Devotional: The sermon touched on Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding party, which showed His desire to bring joy and celebration. Consider the implications of Jesus' first miracle being one that brought joy and happiness to others.

Reflection Question: How can you, following Jesus' example, bring joy into the lives of those around you?

Day 3:

Bible Reading: Luke 15: 11-32

Devotional: The sermon mentioned the parable of the prodigal son, highlighting the joy of restoration and forgiveness. This joy is not dependent on circumstances, but rather it is an inherent part of the Christian faith.

Reflection Question: How have you experienced the joy of restoration and forgiveness in your own life?

Day 4:

Bible Reading: John 16:16-24

Devotional: The sermon discusses the concept of joy as a permanent condition, that remains even amidst turmoil and suffering. Jesus promises that we will grieve, but our grief will turn to joy, and this joy will be complete and unshakeable.

Reflection Question: How can you embrace this unshakeable joy, even in the midst of trials and difficulties?

Day 5:

Bible Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-17

Devotional: Today, consider the image of God singing over us with joy. This is the ultimate expression of God's love and delight in us. Reflect on how this image affects your understanding of God's joy in you. How can you live in a way that reflects this joy and love to others?

Watch the Bible Project’s video on JOY.