The Gospel of John Series

John’s Gospel is unique and powerful. In February of 2020, we began journeying through the Gospel of John, looking at the questions Jesus asks people in each chapter (see summary below). As the COVID-19 pandemic spread, we felt a need to bring our own questions to John’s gospel and look for hope from Jesus. We hope you’re encouraged as your faith in Jesus grows.

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We often go to Jesus looking for great answers to our big questions.

We forget that Jesus asks great questions that require big answers.


Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus asks people questions that invite, expose and provoke:

You don’t know these things?

Does this offend you?

What are you looking for?

Jesus asks questions that have obvious answers:

Why are you crying?

Do you love me?

Why are you trying to kill me?

What’s with the questions?

When Jesus asks, he is leading us to explore something about ourselves. He is calling us to something more. And ultimately to believe him and find life in him.