To Be Told Story Course


Our stories shape every dimension of our life and relationships.

Knowing the impact of our stories and finding God’s redemptive work within them is vital for emotional, relational, and spiritual health. Our culture often encourages us to focus only on the positive experiences and put the painful ones behind us. Far too often, when the true impact of our stories of wounding and heartache go unaddressed, we find ourselves bound to unhealthy and unfulfilling patterns without hope for change.

To Be Told is far more than the popularized movement to “know your story.” It is an invitation to truth-telling, healing lament, deep soulfulness, and lasting change.

Our story is not ours alone--it is a gift to reveal something about Jesus for others. We believe the more able you are to read and engage your story, the more proficient you will become at reading and joining others in their stories. There is nothing more important than knowing how to walk wisely and tenderly into the heart of a son, daughter, spouse, parent, friend, or stranger. We can help you gain the skills to enter the significant parts of another person’s story in a fruitful way, grow in understanding, and free your heart to love.

Throughout this course you’re invited you to name with greater clarity the contours that easily get ignored, and to ponder the beauty and brokenness of the world that shaped you to become who you are. You will learn:

  • The structure and power of story

  • The concepts of faith, hope and love

  • The redemption of story

  • Blessing and a new story trajectory

The “To Be Told” course will be a mix of teaching from John and Virginia Houmes and videos by Dr. Dan Allender.

The course will be one Saturday morning a month at the church. The more consistent your attendance, the more you’ll get out of it and see transformation in your life. Plan to attend all six. Childcare provided for those that RSVP.

The To Be Told Story Course is part of New City’s 2022 Focus: Healing to Wholeness.

Saturdays 9-11am

Feb 26, March 19, Apr 23, May 28, June 25, July 23

Registration is $25 for the six classes and includes Dr. Allender’s book, To Be Told