Romans 8:14 | Spirit-Led?

Romans 8_1-19 Memes.png


What does it mean?

Some think it is evidenced by emotional expressiveness and passion.
Others believe it is living an unstructured life where you're always open to new possibilities.
Still many say it is only possible for those who take their faith more seriously than others.

But none of those capture what Paul means in this passage. When he says Spirit-led, Paul means:

1. saying no, through the Spirit's power, to sinful, self-indulging habits.
2. saying yes, through the Spirit's power, to Godly practices , like sacrificial love, righteousness, and goodness.

Paul says whoever gives themselves over to being led by the Spirit is truly a child of God. Because children listen to, trust and obey their Father.

So let's wrestle together if we think Spirit-led means something drastically different. And let's ask for the Spirit's power to follow Jesus today.