Romans 8:5 | Our Nature

John Stott points out that we don’t live according to our sinful desires because we think about our sinful desires, nor do we live according to the Spirit because we think about the Spirit.

That is the reverse of what Paul is trying to say.

Paul is saying that you think according to what you already are. Stott writes, “In both cases their nature determines their mindset.”

The human nature sets itself on self-centeredness. But if the Spirit is in us, He renews us and helps us to want the things of God.

So what do you do if you’re stuck in a self-centered, sinful pattern of the flesh? You cry out for help from the Spirit who lives in you and can help you set your mind on God!

Ask for help becoming more interested in the things of God. Cry out to have a deeper affection for Jesus Christ. Pray that the Spirit would align your mind more with His purposes.


The Spirit is living and working in you.