Kingdom Manifesto: The Beatitudes | Starts Sept. 13


The Beatitudes are the beginning of Jesus’ famous “Sermon on the Mount”.

Christians have often been confused by the these eight statements that each start with “blessed are….”.

Are these attitudes we are to strive towards? Are they impossible commands that are meant to humble us?

Explaining the beatitudes, Ray Ortlund fills us with encouragement:

The Beatitudes “are not commandments, though they speak with authority. They are not requirements, though they define the kingdom of heaven. The Beatitudes are encouragements. The Beatitudes are the congratulations of Jesus, who wants us to walk with a spring in our step and sparkle in our eye and hope in our heart because God has set us apart to himself and graciously given us everything (that is) worth having forever.”

Ortlund reminds us that we try to seek the blessings of building our own kingdoms:

The kingdom of this world has its own congratulations to pass around and its own promises of reward. Each of the congratulations/beatitudes of Jesus can be turned into its photographic negative, like this:

"Congratulations to those who feel entitled, for they grab whatever they want.
Congratulations to the carefree, for they shall be comfortable.
Congratulations to the pushy, for they shall win.
Congratulations to the greedy, for they shall climb the food chain.
Congratulations to the vengeful, for they shall be feared.
Congratulations to those who don’t get caught, for they shall look good.
Congratulations to the argumentative, for they shall get in the last word.
Congratulations to the popular, for theirs is the kingdom of this world.

“Is that what you want? Lots of people do want that. Our world exerts itself massively every day to enforce a whole way of life based on a whole worldview against Christ. But if your heart recoils from that and you long for a place in the lovely kingdom of heaven and you’re willing to come under the rule of Christ, then he wants you encouraged. God has set you apart to himself. God is including you in the renewal of this whole world.

Ultimately, the Beatitudes are about our participation in the Good News of the Kingdom of God through Jesus:

"What is the gospel? It is the good news that God has not forsaken us in all our evil but the Kingdom has come, and through his death and resurrection the promised renewal of all things has finally been set in motion.

The good news is that this world is not spinning out of control but heaven is moving in and taking over with powers that evil cannot stop. That is what’s happening here on the platform of human history. That’s the real story. And through union with Christ, God has included you on the inside of this mega-miracle. Whatever your life may be right now, your future is as bright as the promises of God.

Yours is the kingdom of heaven, you will be comforted, you will inherit the earth, you will be satisfied, you will receive mercy, you will see God, you will be called sons of God, yours is the kingdom of heaven. So we see that the Beatitudes are not handy tips for improving your week; they are the enduring promises of Christ, because you have stepped over the line to join him by faith in a whole new world so beautiful only God can accomplish it.”

On Sunday, September 13th, we’ll start a new series, called Kingdom Manifesto: The Beatitudes. You’ll be filled with encouragement and hope as you see the beauty of living in God’s kingdom under the rule of Jesus.

Join us in person or watch live at 10:30am.