AMANA Conf Update

Hey all. Hope you're well. We're having a great time at the conference. I arrived yesterday and the opening session shorted quickly after. This morning we are back at it with day 2 of the conference. The theme is "The Lord is my Shepherd". Please pray for us as teach and encourage God's people here in Togo! The music is fantastic. Loud and bouncy in true West African style. It is good to see people that I haven't seen in four years. Thanks for supporting this trip. It is a true encouragement to the brothers and sisters here when people from other countries come to support them and encourage them. It let's them know that their Gospel work here in West Africa is important and vital.

Pastor John


A musical from Kara is leading the worship at the conference.

A musical from Kara is leading the worship at the conference.

UpdateJohn HoumesTogo